Download Ravidas ke Dohe Hindi PDF
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File name | Ravidas ke Dohe Hindi PDF |
No. of Pages | 7 |
File size | 282 KB |
Date Added | Feb 7, 2023 |
Category | Education |
Language | Hindi |
Source/Credits | Drive Files |
Overview of Ravidas ke Dohe
Saint Ravidas ji’s couplets PDF with meaning will prove to be very beneficial for all those students whose syllabus contains many questions and answers related to Sant Ravidas ji.
If you are also one of those students, then the information given through this article will prove to be very useful for you too. Saint Ravidas ji was a devotional saint. They used to believe in God a lot. He composed many important posts, couplets etc. in his entire life. His creations are very important for today’s era.
Saint Ravidas ji attracts people towards God through his couplets etc., and he believes that no person is different from anyone else. All are one. That’s why no one should fight with each other, everyone should live together in harmony, no one should be discriminated against in the name of caste.
संत रविदास जी के दोहे अर्थ सहित:
रैदास कहै जाकै हदै, रहे रैन दिन राम।
सो भगता भगवंत सम, क्रोध न व्यापै काम।।
Meaning – Ravidas ji says that the devotee in whose heart Ram is present night and day, such a devotee is like Ram, neither anger nor lust can dominate him.
हरि-सा हीरा छांड कै, करै आन की आस।
ते नर जमपुर जाहिंगे, सत भाषै रविदास।।
Meaning – Except a precious diamond like Hari, those who expect anything else will definitely go to hell. Means it is futile to wander here and there except devotion to God.
रविदास जन्म के कारनै, होत न कोउ नीच
नकर कूं नीच करि डारी है, ओछे करम की कीच
Meaning – Ravidasji’s saying in this couplet means that a person does not become low or small because of his birth in a caste. What makes a person different is his deeds. That’s why we should always pay attention to our deeds. Our deeds should always be high.
जा देखे घिन उपजै, नरक कुंड मेँ बास ।
प्रेम भगति सों ऊधरे, प्रगटत जन रैदास ।।
Meaning – Ravidas, who was repulsed to see, who used to reside in the pit of hell, such Ravidas ji has been blessed by love and devotion and he has appeared in the form of a human being.
कृस्न, करीम, राम, हरि, राघव, जब लग एक न पेखा।
वेद कतेब कुरान, पुरानन, सहज एक नहिं देखा।।
Meaning – Saint Ravidas ji says that there is only one God. His names are Ram, Krishna, Hari, Ishwar, Karim and Raghav. In all the scriptures like Vedas, Quran and Puranas, only one God is praised and all these texts teach the lesson of devotion to God.
रविदास’ जन्म के कारनै, होत न कोउ नीच।
नर कूँ नीच करि डारि है, ओछे करम की कीच।
Meaning – Ravidas ji says that no one becomes mean just because of birth, but in reality only his deeds make a man mean.
“मन चंगा तो कठौती में गंगा”
Meaning – If your mind is pure, then the real God resides in your heart.
रहिमन निज संपति बिना, कोउ न बिपति सहाय।
बिनु पानी ज्यों जलज को, नहिं रवि सकै बचाय।।
Meaning – Saint Ravidas ji says that no one helps a person in a difficult situation. At that time the wealth or property earned by him is the most helpful for him. In the same way, even the sun cannot save the lotus from drying up when the water in the pond dries up.
जाति-जाति में जाति हैं, जो केतन के पात।
रैदास मनुष ना जुड़ सके जब तक जाति न जात।।
Meaning – The way the trunk of a banana tree is peeled, then leaf under leaf, then leaf under leaf and finally the whole tree is destroyed, but nothing is found. In the same way, human beings are also divided into castes, due to the division of these castes, human beings are divided into different types and in the end, human beings also end up, but this caste does not end. That’s why Ravidas ji says that until this caste is not finished, humans cannot connect with each other, that means they cannot be one.
कह रविदास तेरी भगति दूरि है, भाग बड़े सो पावै।
तजि अभिमान मेटि आपा पर, पिपिलक हवै चुनि खावै।।
Meaning – Saint Ravidas ji says that a person gets devotion to God by his destiny. If there is not even a little bit of pride in a man, then he definitely becomes successful in his life. Just like a giant elephant cannot get rid of sugar grains and a small looking ant can easily get rid of sugar grains. In the same way, a man should also give up the sense of greatness in his life and remain engrossed in the devotion of God.
Meaning – Saint Ravidas ji wants to say through this couplet that no one should be worshiped just because he is on a worshipable position. If a person is on a high position but does not have the qualities worthy of that position, then he should not be worshipped. Apart from this, a person who is not on a high position but has qualities to be worshipped, must be worshipped.
एकै साधे सब सधै, सब साधे सब जाय।
रहिमन मूलहिं सींचिबो, फूलै फलै अगाय।।
Meaning – Saint Ravidas ji says that if we start all the works together then we never get success in them. In the same way, if every branch and leaf of a tree is watered and its root is left dry, then that tree will never bear fruit.
मन ही पूजा मन ही धूप,
मन ही सेऊं सहज स्वरूप।।
Meaning – Through the lines of this couplet, Swami Ravidas ji wants to say that the one whose mind is pure, God resides in him. The person who does not have any enmity in his mind, does not have any kind of greed, does not have any malice towards anyone, then his mind is God’s temple, lamp and incense. The Lord always resides in the mind having such pure thoughts.
करम बंधन में बन्ध रहियो, फल की ना तज्जियो आस।
कर्म मानुष का धर्म है, सत् भाखै रविदास।।
Meaning – Ravidas ji says that a man should always do good deeds, should not wish for the fruits he gets. Because doing work is the religion of a man, then it is our good fortune to get its fruits.