Download Shiva Namaskar Mantra Sanskrit PDF
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File name | Shiva Namaskar Mantra Sanskrit PDF |
No. of Pages | 1 |
File size | 1.1 MB |
Date Added | Feb 20, 2023 |
Category | Religion |
Language | Sanskrit |
Source/Credits | Drive Files |
Overview of Shiva Namaskar Mantra
Shiva Namaskar is a form of traditional Hindu worship, also known as puja, that is dedicated to Lord Shiva, one of the most important deities in Hinduism. In this form of worship, devotees pay their respects to Lord Shiva by offering prayers, flowers, and other offerings, while performing a set of physical postures or namaskars.
There are several variations of the Shiva Namaskar, but the most common version involves the following steps:
- Begin by standing with your feet together, your palms joined together in front of your heart in the traditional namaste gesture.
- Take a deep breath and raise your hands above your head, stretching your arms upwards while keeping your palms together.
- Exhale and bend forward, bringing your hands down to the floor while keeping your legs straight.
- Inhale and lift your head up, straightening your spine and looking forward.
- Exhale and step your left foot back, lowering your left knee to the ground while keeping your right knee bent at a 90-degree angle.
- Inhale and lift your head up, while raising your hands above your head and pressing your palms together.
- Exhale and bring your hands back down to the ground, while stepping your right foot back to meet your left foot, coming into a plank position.
- Lower your body down to the ground, keeping your elbows close to your sides, and come into a prone position.
- Inhale and lift your upper body up, coming into a cobra pose.
- Exhale and lift your hips up, coming into a downward-facing dog pose.
- Inhale and step your left foot forward between your hands, coming into a lunge position.
- Exhale and step your right foot forward to meet your left foot, coming into a forward fold.
- Inhale and lift your arms up, stretching your hands above your head while keeping your palms together.
- Exhale and lower your hands back down to your heart center, coming back to the starting position.
This series of physical postures is typically accompanied by the recitation of mantras and prayers in honor of Lord Shiva. It is believed that performing the Shiva Namaskar with devotion and sincerity can help one connect with the divine and attain spiritual growth and well-being.
शिव नमस्कार
भगवान शिव को नमस्कार
नमः शम्भवाय च मयोभवाय च नमः शङ्कराय च ।
मयस्कराय च नमः शिवाय च शिवतराय च ॥ १॥
ईशानः सर्वविद्यानामीश्वरः सर्वभूतानां
ब्रह्माधिपतिर्ब्रह्मणोऽधिपतिर्ब्रह्मा शिवो मे अस्तु दाशिवोम् ॥ २॥
तत्पुरुषाय विद्दाहे महादेवाय धीमहि ।
तन्नो रुद्रः प्रचोदयात् ॥ ३॥
अघोरेभ्योऽथ घोरेभ्यो घोरघोरतरेभ्यः सर्वेभ्यः
सर्वशर्वेभ्यो नमस्तेऽस्तु रुद्ररूपेभ्यः ॥ ४॥
वामदेवाय नमो ज्येष्ठाय नमः श्रेष्ठाय नमो रुद्राय
नमः कालाय नमः कलविकरणाय नमो बलविकरणाय
नमो बलाय नमो बलप्रमथनाय नमः सर्वभूतदमनाय नमो मनोन्मनाय नमः ॥ ५॥
सद्योजातं प्रपद्यामि सद्योजाताय वै नमो नमः ।
भवे भवे नातिभवे भवस्व मां भवोद्भवाय नमः ॥ ६॥
नमः सायं नमः प्रातर्नमो रात्र्या नमो दिवा ।
भवाय च शर्वाय चोभाभ्यामकरं नमः ॥ ७॥
यस्य निःश्वसितं वेदा यो वेदेभ्योऽखिलं जगत् ।
निर्ममे तमहं वन्दे विद्यातीर्थ महेश्वरम् ॥ ८॥
त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम् ।
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात् ॥
सर्वो वै रुद्रस्तस्मै रुद्राय नमो अस्तु ।
पुरुषो वै रुद्रः सन्महो नमो नमः ।
विश्वं भूतं भुवनं चित्रं बहुधा जातं जायमानं च यत् ।
सर्वो ह्येष रुद्रस्तस्मै रुद्राय नमो अस्तु ॥
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